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  • Micro Filter Cloth

Micro Filter Cloth

  • 412
Product Review | Top Rated

1. good resistance to both acid and alkali 2. good retaining capacity, easy to peel off cake 3. good regeneration capacity 4. excellent dimensional stability and high using efficiency


Seeking a dependable filtration solution for your industrial processes? Look no further than our Micro Filter Cloth. Crafted with care, this cloth exhibits outstanding resistance to acid and alkali, ensuring it can withstand the harshest chemical conditions. Its exceptional retaining capacity simplifies the cake peeling process, facilitating efficient filtration cycles. Moreover, the Micro Filter Cloth's impressive regeneration capacity extended its usability, allowing for prolonged service life and reduced replacement expenses. With its excellent dimensional stability and high user efficiency, this product guarantees superior filtration performance, making it an indispensable choice for wholesale buyers in need of top-tier filtration solutions.